Hi, I’m Caroline Hanna.

I’m an mBANT rCNHC registered nutritionist, food and wellness writer and Le Cordon Bleu-trained chef (not that I like to brag).

I help women to finally feel at peace around food, prioritising blood sugar balance and hormonal health, and ultimately creating a healthy lifestyle that’s actually sustainable.

I love working with companies who share my love of all things health, food and wellness, especially those who agree they’re best delivered with a sense of humour.

This includes writing for editorial and media content, hosting corporate events, providing consultancy, menu consultancy, social media content and speaking events.

Brand Consultancy

Online Consultations

Fed up falling off the wagon, yo-yoing weight and obsessing over food and exercise?

I can help you to transform your relationship with food, find your happiest weight, and maintain it for good - all while enjoying the process along the way.

Are you ready to stop obsessing over food and feel comfortable in your own skin? Let’s work together.

Learn how to nourish yourself, reconnect with your body and build a life you love.

Caroline Hanna, DipCNM mBANT CNHC
